Connecting you with the perfect teacher for your needs

We offer websites with a wide range of qualified tutors for academic tutoring, exam preparation and improving skills in areas such as language, music etc. Choose your individual teaching style and approach. Find the perfect tutor for your needs.

Our Websites

Discovering and learning from the right teacher is an absolute imperative for those seeking to excel in their field.

Connecting language learners with language teachers. Efficient language learning with the right language teacher. Free registration for students. Language teachers can choose between Basic (free) or Pro membership with a subscription on No fees are charged by for language classes. Language learners pay the language teachers directlyLanguage Teachers                           

    If you’re a language teacher, design and build your personal branding and introduce yourself to language learners without incurring placement fees for your classes.  For special offers keep an eye on our Blog and social media.

Language Learners

      If you are a language learner, register as a STUDENT for free and discover, choose and connect with your language teacher in a simple way.

    Further information can be found on this page, on social media, or simply check out the FAQs.

    Music teachers and students, united on one website. Find your perfect teacher and start your musical journey.

Coming soon

Speech skills

     Master the art of speech with our dedicated training website. Connect with experienced trainers and unleash your communication potential.

Coming soon